Countdown v2
– Star Brigade
1993 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Countdown
Combat Astronaut
File Name: Dubosky, David D.
SN: 111-88-WT27
Primary Military Speciality: Astronaut/Fighter Pilot
Secondary Military Speciality: Electronic Engineer
Birthplace: Plainfield, New Jersey
Grade: O-3 (USAF)
It has been predicted that the battles of tomorrow would be fought in the cosmic realm of space. Today that theory has become reality as G.I. Joe fights to protect Earth – and the universe – from Cobra´s dastardly “Cobranauts”. These space snakes have invaded the upper atmosphere causing G.I. Joe to send up their own stellar specialist, Countdown, to stop them before it´s too late. He´s qualified space shuttle commander, Ghoststriker X-16 Fighter Pilot, NASA astronaut, electric engineer and a ranking chess master. If Cobra wants to pick a fight in space, Countdown will be there to checkmate their every move!
“The only stars I want those Astro Vipers to see will be after an uppercut to the face!”
Full figure


Red/white helmet
Yellow rifle
Yellow submachine gun
Yellow knife
Black missile launcher
2x Yellow missiles