Welcome to

A site which is a dedication to all the cool toys from the 80´s and 90´s

I started collecting Action Force/GI Joe when they became available in Danish toystores around 1986 and by 1990 I had around 108 figures and 20-25 vehicles. They ended up on my parents loft and didnt see the light of day until sometime around 2006 when I had to go and clear out the massive amount of stuff I had stored there.

Initially I didnt want to start collecting again but after buying a few Danish childhood collections and one larger collectors stuff in 2009 my passion was re-ignited. This also meant trying to make a website that could be used to display my collection as it grew and since then I have bought, traded and sold a lot of figures/vehicles and enjoyed a lot of fun moments on various bulletin boards like BloodfortheBaron and Yojoe.

In 2012 I was asked to help BloodForTheBaron.com with their 9th anniversary DIO story and it was really fun trying to get ideas put from paper story boards and onto photos and it will not be the last time I try that process.

The collection goals are almost reached now after 8 intense years and currently I am more into Army Building of Cobra´s and some selected Joe items (primarily Skystrikers for the USS Flagg). However I am always interested in a good deal so contact me if you have anything you may want to sell.

I hope you will have the time to look around on the galleries of my huge collection of Action-Force/GI-Joe toys (probably one of the largest in the Nordic) and if you have any comments (good or bad) please get in touch via Facebook or Instagram.


Best regards
René aka StkhlmDK

Total Figures

Total Vehicles


3DJoes is dedicated to preserving the sculpt and package art of G.I.Joe.


Welcome to Blood For The Baron, the world’s premier Action Force website.