Spirit v2.5
1991 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Spirit
File Name: Iron-Knife, Charlie
SN: 1465-1009-AP34
Primary Military Speciality: Tracker
Secondary Military Speciality: Cartographer
Birthplace: Grand Canyon, Arizona
Grade: E-5
Spirit grew up in one of the most beautiful areas of the country, the Grand Canyon. He quickly learned every square inch of the Canyon´s many trails and danger spots. What set Spirit apart from the rest of his contemporaries was his uncanny ability to know exactly where he was at all times! After he enlisted in the Army, Spirit served in Southeast Asia where he was commander of scout patrols. Now, as a member of Slaughter´s Marauders, Spirit´s job is to lead the unit through the most hostile of combat zone to flush-out Cobra agents and bring them in for interrogation.
“This indian is one tough warrior. He can small-out the enemy from 50 miles away. His sense of direction is as reliable as the most sophisticated radar system in the armed forces. If you´re on a pre-dawn mission with Spirit, in the middle of nowhere, and you haven´t a clue as to how to get back to the base, just stick with him and he´ll be back in time for breakfast.”
Full figure


Black/red belt
Black backpack
Brown/white eagle
Black rifle