– Ninja Force
1992 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: T´jbang
Ninja Swordsman
File Name: LaQuale, Sam
SN: 090-6721-HA77
Primary Military Speciality: Martial Arts Swordsman
Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry
Birthplace: East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Grade: E-7
A former disciple of the master swordsman of Storm Shadow´s Ninja clan, T´jbang forged and honed his own personal sword, precisely balanced for his ultra-secret technique, known only as the “Silent Backslash”. T´jbang developed this omnious form by swiping at flying bats in the deep caverns in a remote mountain range. No one who has ever seen him using it ever lived to tell about it! T´jbang has sworn oath of silence for reasons known only to his second cousin Storm Shadow. When he´s not engaged in deep meditation, T´jbang charges into combat while flying the G. I. Joe Battle Copters.
“I put my fear behind me and my skill before me. Thus, I am unassailable!”
Full figure

Lightblue battle Axe
Lightblue sword