Spearhead & Max v2
– Night Force
1989 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Spearhead & Max
Point Man & Bobcat
File Name: Millman, Peter R.
SN: 075-6271-QQ76
Primary Military Speciality: Infantry
Secondary Military Speciality: Finance
Birthplace: St. Louis, Missouri
Grade: E-4
Spearhead was the youngest and the most successful insurance salesman in the Pacific Northwest. It was said that he could sell a term policy to a dead cow. Everybody liked him, trusted him and bought more insurance from him that they could afford. Spearhead denies that guilt was a factor in his decision to join the army – he simply felt that somebody had to do it. When Night Force conducts an attack against a Cobra base, Spearhead and Max always lead the unit to give it an added punch through the enemy´s defence lines!
“When some guys try to lead a combat assault they jump up and holler, ´Follow me!´ and charge full tilt at a bunker. Halfway there, they look back, and no one´s behind them! Of course not – the guy was a jerk. Spearhead could jump face first into a vat of rabid hyenas and fifteen guys would follow him. No hesitation. They´d jump SMILING. And of course, Speadhead´s mad cat, Max, is always a source of inspiration.”
Full figure


Black/grey helmet
Black backpack
Black machete
Black rifle