– Mega-Marines
1993 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Mirage
Bio-Artillery Expert
File Name: Balkun, Joseph R.
SN: 6060-JB-824
Primary Military Speciality: Rocket-Fire Assaults
Secondary Military Speciality: Heavy Artillery
Birthplace: Molsen, Washington
Grade: E-6
Fighting Cobra Mega-Monsters call for powerful weapons and skilled soldiers trained to use them; Mirage is just such a soldier. He´s a specialist in heavy weapons armaments including bazookas, AK-47 assault rifles, MAC-10 submachine guns adn “ripple-fire” rocket launchers. Mirage was trained by Roadblock, who taught him how to lay down heavy cover fire and launch shoulder-mounted rockets while under an enemy attack. When the Mega-Marines began recruiting men who could handle heavy, high-tech firepower, Mirage was their first choice.
“Bazookas are OK, but I´ll take a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher any day!”
Full figure


Green rifle
Green submachine gun
Green knife
Blue missile launcher
2x Green missiles
Blue body armor
Black/green bio-armor container