Short-Fuze v1
1982 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Short-Fuze
Mortar Soldier
File Name: Freistadt, Eric W.
SN: RA 380-225-432
Primary Military Speciality: Artillery
Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry Engineer
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Grade: E-4
Short-Fuze comes from military family (Father and Grandfather both career Top Sergeants). Enjoys abstract mathematics and can plot artillery azimuths and triangulations in his head. Specialized Education: Artillery School; Engineer School; Advanced Infantry Training. Qualified Expert: M-14; M-16; M1911A1; M-79 (Grenade Launcher); M-2 (60mm Light Mortar); M-1 (81mm Medium Mortar).
“Short-Fuze is logical and sensative. Has a tendency to blow his stack – hence the nick-name…Short-Fuze”
Full figure


Green helmet
Clear visor
Green backpack
Black mortar (closed or thin handle)
Black mortar stand