– Eco-Warriors
1991 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Clean-Sweep
G.I. Joe Anti-Tox Trooper
File Name: Price, Daniel W.
SN: 225-7836-DP74
Primary Military Speciality: Chemical Operations Specialist
Secondary Military Speciality: Combat Engineer
Birthplace: Elizabeth, New Jersey
Grade: E-4
Once the insidious Cobra polluters have spewed their toxic sludge into a previously pristine environment, there is nothing left to do but call in Clean-Sweep. Arriving on the scene with his combination robotic sludge sucker/ neutralizer gel dispenser. Clean-Sweep sets his sludge detector/analyzer computer on auto-pilot, maintains perimeter security with his laser pistol and proceeds to clean up Cobra´s act
“You might think it´s a cushy job, sitting back in the climated-controlled solvent resistant suit while operating a remote controlled sludge-sucking robot. But if that robot´s tracks get stuck or the sludge pump backs up, Clean-Sweep is the one who has to slog out into the toxic waste pool and duck Cobra laser blasts while he´s trying to get it going again.”
Full figure


Yellow/green helmet
Green gun
Green backpack
Green control panel
Yellow sweeper tank
Green plunge