Clutch v1.5
1983 Series
Vehicle: Vamp
Filecard Info
Code Name: Clutch
VAMP Driver
File Name: Steinberg, Lance J.
SN: RA 757-34-0802
Primary Military Speciality: Transportation
Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry
Birthplace: Asbury Park, NJ
Grade: E-4
Clutch was a mechanic at Manny´s Mean Machines and was heavily involved in racing street machines prior to enlistment. Graduated: Advanced Infantry Training; Covert Ops School; Executive Bodyguard School; Ranger School. Qualified Expert: M-14; M-16; M1911A; M-3A1; M-79; M-60.
“He greases his hair with motor oil, rarely shaves, and chews on the same toothpick for months. Clutch still call women “chicks.”
Full figure


Green helmet