Code Name: Back-Stop
Persuader Driver
File Name: Levin, Robert A.
Primary Military Speciality: Armour
Secondary Military Speciality: Mechanized Infantry
Birthplace: Montreal, Canada
Grade: N/A
Back-Stop injured so many opposing players in junior league hockey that his family had to move to the United States to escape angry parents. During his adolescent years in Detroit, he boxed in the golden gloves until he was barred from the competition. He spent two terms as the undefeated wrestling champion of his high school simply because no one would get on the mat with him. After a short career in the demolition derby, Back-Stop found his true calling in the Army and eventually on the Action Force Team.
“Don´t mess with Back-Stop. even though he´s had more broken bones, ripped tendons and severed arteries than anyone else in the Action Force Team, he´s still strong enough and strong-willed enough to break, rip and sever something of yours.”
Grey helmet
Silver pistol