1992 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Flak-Viper
Cobra Anti-Aircraft Trooper
Flak-Vipers have a passive, infrared targeting and sighting system built into their helmets. This allows them to fire extremely accurate Tail-Biter missiles at G.I. Joe aircraft. These are dedicated and motivated troopers. To maintain maximum levels of effectiveness, Flak-Vipers spend long hours every day practicing simulated missile engagements using a program cartridge that plugs into their helmets. It would be like playing a portable video game for 10 hours straight! These guys get a kick out of roaming the battlefield in the Cobra army vehicles while “picking off” incoming enemy aircraft.
“We could positively max-out our high score if only we had Turbo-joystick Controllers!”
Full figure


Blue rifle
2x Blue missiles
Green/blue missile launcher