Code Name: B.A.T.
Cobra Android Trooper
B.A.T.S. are the perfect Cobra Troopers. They never question orders, complain about the food, shirk duty or surrender. They require no leave-time, sick-pay, or benefits of any kind, and they are cheap and easy to replace. On the other hand, B.A.T.S. do not react very well to changes in field conditions, nor do they discriminate between targets. They will shoot at anything that moves, be it friend, foe or animal. They also have an unfortunate tendency to burst into flame when hit from behind…
“B.A.T.S. are dangerous to everybody. They´ll shoot, bayonet or kick anything in sight, Cobra Infantrymen don´t like to be on the same battlefield with B.A.T.S. When Cobra unit is losing a battle they will dispense B.A.T.S. into the midst of the firefight in order to evacuate the area easily.”
Black backpack
Silver laser
Silver gripper arm
Silver torch
Silver hand