Golobulus – Cobra-LA
Code Name: Golobulus
Cobra-La Ruler
Descended from the serpent kings of pre-history, Golobulus rules over Cobra-La, a hidden, secret valley in the Himalayas where the high priests of the Bio-Mechanical cult have created a technology based society on living organisms. The buildings of Cobra La are really colonies of crustaceans, and the clothes of inhabitants are as alive as the people who wear them. Golobulus has achieved immortality through symbiosis…at the cost of his humanity.
“The plates of Golobulus’ body armor are living mutations of lobsters and crabs, each genetically altered to perform a specific function and bred for the tensile strength of their chitinous shells. Over the centuries, so much of Golobulus’ body parts have been replaced or bio-mechanically altered that very little of the original is left except for his brain and his central nervous system.”
Red rifle