“Yellow neck” variant
1986 Series
Vehicle: Air Chariot
Filecard Info
Code Name: Serpentor
Cobra Emperor
A secret cabal of Cobra scientists, under the direction of The Interrogator and Destro, combed the tombs, sarcophagi and relics of the great despots of history to find cells with DNA traces. From these long-dead genetic blueprints they produced a composite clone with the military genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the fiscal acumen of Attila the Hun…the ultimate Cobra Emperor! A master of political intrigue and a brilliant tactician, he is capable of wresting power from Cobra Commander for the benefit of The Interrogator and Desto. Fortunately for Action Force, the Cobra Emperor’s own ambitions were not taken into consideration by his creators…
“His eyes have seen the legions of Rome trample the Gauls and Nervii into the dust. His hand lifted the horse-hair baton that signaled the first charge of the Carthaginian armored elephant phalanx. His ears have heard the rattle of French cuirassiers on the streets of Moscow. But it is his mind we must fear the most. The thoughts of the Cobra Emperor have not drifted from global conquest since the reign of King Solomon…”
Full figure


Gold cobra snake
Gold headdress
Silver knife
Green cape