
Code Name: Raptor

Cobra Falconer

File Name: Unknown

Raptor was a yuppie tax consultant who took up falconry as a pastime and soon became obsessed with the avion bloodsport. He discovered that by breeding bigger and stronger birds and equipping them with steel-tipped talons, they were capable of attacking much more profitable game. Caught poaching on a Cobra min ranch by Destro, Raptop joined the ranks of the Cobra Legions and began work on developing a bird of prey strong enough to attack a man.

“Raptop doesn´t have any delusions about what he is even if he dresses up in that bird suit of his and spends most of his time in a giant bird cage. Those are means to an end, and the bottom line for Raptor is his non-taxable profit margin.”



Brown backpack
Brown falcon
