Cobra Commander v6
– Battle Corps

Code Name: Cobra Commander

Cobra Supreme Leader


Supreme commander of the Cobra Legions, contraband arms merchant, international terrorist and real estate swindler, Cobra Commander is the ultimate enemy of G. I. Joe. Although no Cobra Vipers or even his trusted Crimson Guard Commanders have ever seen his face, they know the man behind the mask is the most diabolical villain imaginable. This ruthless leader´s principle desire is to totally crush the G. I. Joe Team, and take over the world while he´s at it! His numerous attempts to accomplish this distorted dream of world dominance have so far been foiled by the Joes, but they are always on the alert because Cobra Commander keeps coming back stronger and stronger, with increasingly destructive weapons and vehicles!

“Aggghhhh! Why don´t those Joes get out of my way and let me rule the world like a tyrant should!”



Silver rifle
Silver laserrifle
Silver submachine gun
Silver lasergun
Red missile launcher
2x silver missiles
