Motor Viper
1986 Series
Vehicle: Cobra Stun
Filecard Info
Code Name: Motor Viper
Cobra STUN Pilot
The Motor Viper Corps attracts the type of individual who, without the benefit of an education and ambition, might have joined the Dreadnoks. The Cobra Recon and Perimeter Defence Forces are disciplined, efficient, and highly motivated in the manner of all elite groups. This is fairly surprising, seeing that the Force seems to be comprised of the type that enjoys driving at high speeds and finds amusement in danger.
“Crank-Case might be a wildman behind the wheel of his A.W.E. Striker, but Cross-Country will steer that H.A.V.O.C. of his across terrain that would break both axles of the RTV. Of course, a tracked vehicle has natural advantages, but it is Cross-Country´s talent for sensing the most favourable grade, the shallowest mud and the firmest sand that makes the difference.”
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