Lt. Falcon
– Night Force
1988 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Lt. Falcon
Green Beret
File Name: Falcone, Vincent R.
SN: 035-38-2264
Primary Military Speciality: Infantry
Secondary Military Speciality: Medic
Birthplace: Fayetteville, North Carolina
Grade: O-2 (1st Lt.)
Lt. Falcon is a second-generation Green Beret. His father served with the SFGA (Special Force Group Airborne) from its beginning at Fort Bragg´s Smoke Bomb Hill. Falcon was cross-trained in demolitions and served briefly with the 5th SFGA ´Blue Light´ counter-terrorist unit as an “A” Team XO*. He is proficient in Spanish, French, Arabic and Swahili and a qualified expert with most NATO and Warsaw Pact small-arms.
* Executive Officer
“Leading a covert team at night in poor visibility conditions and under strict noise discipline seems almost impossible. Lt. Falcon accomplishes this task by establishing an intimate rapport with his team, working with them to earn their respect. A Night Force team led by Lt. Falcon functions almost as a single entity, with each member alert, responsive, and trusting each other to do his job!”
Full figure


Black backpack
Black antenna
Black knife
Black shotgun