Wet-Suit v5
– Naval Assault Unit
1998 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Wet-Suit
Navy S.E.A.L.
Filename: Forrest, Brian M.
SN: 701-54-87WS
Primary Military Speciality: Navy SEAL
Secondary Military Speciality: UDT (Underwater Demolitions)
Birthplace: Myrtle Beach, SC
Grade: E-5
Motto: “With all due respect, sir, no one told me NOT to blow it up!”
It is said that SEALs are the guys who were too nasty to be Airborne Rangers or Marines. That certainly qualifies in the case of Wet-Suit. The man is a walking attitude. Fortunately, he´s not a walking attitude PROBLEM like Shipwreck, but Wet-Suit is almost as hard to keep in line. The problem may lie in the fact that he loves his work a little too much. His speciality is underwater demolitions, and he tends to use too heavy a hand when asked to blow up something. The last Cobra base he took out – a floating fortress – got blasted into so many pieces that there wasn´t enough left to sink.
From General Hawk´s files: “Wet-Suit is wild and unruly, exactly the opposite of the unit´s commander, Torpedo, hut he´s not as obnoxious as Shipwreck. He´s also much more intelligent than he comes across. I just wish he´d exercise more caution in his work. We could really use a little more evidence of Cobra´s oceanic operations for evaluation than inch-wide pieces of metal and plastic.”
Full figure


Black airmask
Black sled
Black backpack


Card Front

Card Back