Snake Eyes v16
2003 Series
Media: Kid Rhino DVD Set
Filecard Info
Code Name: Snake Eyes
File Name: Classified
SN: Classified
Primary Military Speciality: Infantry
Secondary Military Speciality: Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor
Birthplace: Classified
Grade: E-7
Snake Eyes served in Long Range Recon Patrols in Southeast Asia. He left the service to study mystic martial arts with the same Ninja family that produced Storm Shadow. Snake Eyes was living an ascetic existence alone in the High Sierras with his pet timber wolf when he was recruited for the GI Joe team. He is qualified expert in all NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms, has a black belt in 12 different fighting systems, and is highly skilled in the use of edged weapons.
“Snake Eyes was tempered on the anvil of life until he was as dangerous as a razor-edged sword, flailing in the dark. The GI Joe team sheathed that sword and harnessed its deadly energy, but even they are wont to forget that within the safety of its scabbard, the blade retains its cutting edge.”
Full figure


Silver sword
Black ammo pack
Silver submachine gun
Tan wolf/coyote
Black backpack