Short-Fuse v2
– Stars and Stripes Forever
1997 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Short-Fuse
Mortar Soldier
File Name: Freistadt, Eric W.
SN: RA 380-22-5432
Primary Military Speciality: Artillery
Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry Engineer
Birthplace: Chicago, IL
Grade: E-5
Motto: “Make me mad, and I´ll get more than even.”
Short-Fuse was chosen from the top of his class, to join the G.I. Joe team at its inception. He comes from a traditional military family – all career soldiers. His artillery experience and expertise helped the Joes win many battles. He can actually plot artillery azimuths and triangulations in his head. His love for abstract mathematics makes him somewhat of a nerd, however, no one would dare tease him. It seems he’s quite sensitive about it and can lose his temper very quickly, hence his code name … Short-Fuse continued his regular military service until he received word about the original G.L Joe team re-organizing its members; he returned with full support.
After the Team’s flrst encounter with Cobra Forces, they found a suitable location and in the tradition of the men and women who served their country before them, raised the flag in their honor, and declared – STARS and STRIPES FOREVER!
From General Hawk´s Files: “In all my days, I’ve never seen a guy remember the information he does. Short-Fuse can plot artillery triangulations in his head, faster than someone with a compass. He pinpoints targets with over ninety-five percent accuracy and provides the team with a huge advantage. The one thing you don’t want to do around him is mock his gift of intelligence. The guy’s temper flares up mighty quick, and everyone best stand back to let him cool down. He loves his job and can be counted on to lend the support we need.”
Note: Figure was originally known as Short-Fuze, but renamed in 1997 to Short-Fuse.
Full figure


Green bazooka
Black support
Green helmet
Clear visor
Green/black backpack
Black mortar

Box set

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