Scarlett v3
– Stars and Stripes Forever
1997 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Scarlett
File Name: O´Hara, Shana M.
SN: RA 242-96-7434
Primary Military Speciality: Counterintelligence
Secondary Military Speciality: Classified
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Grade: E-6
Motto: “Beauty may only be skin deep, but I´m lethal to the bone.”
Scarlett was one of the flrst female members of the G.I. Joe team. She is as beautlful as she is deadly. Scarlett earned her black belt in Tae Kwon Do at the age of fifteen, and has continued her training in several other martial arts. Her skills at intelligence gathering are top notch. An expert undercover operative, she has gone up against the best Cobra had to offer. They never knew she was there. When the government closed down the G.I. Joe program, she considered it a chance to make up for her strained working relationship with Snake-Eyes. Taking up residence with him in his mountain cabin, the time off helped them heal their battle scarred hearts, and ultimately form a much stronger bond. In her spare time, Scarlett began teaching women’s self-defense seminars at various universities. She received word of the re-organization of the G.I. Joe team members, and returned with her partner.
After the Team’s flrst encounter with Cobra Forces, they found a suitable location and in the tradition of the men and women who served their country before them, raised the flag in their honor , and declared – STARS and STRIPES FOREVER!
From General Hawk´s Files: “I cal1 it a blessing to have Scarlett on the team. She’s tough, smart, reliable, and okay – beautiful. She keeps the team in line, and the enemy on their toes. I value her skills as both a martial artist and undercover operative. Snake-Eyes and she have been through a lot. They work well as a team, on and off the battlefield. I’d put her up against the best Cobra has to offer, and sleep well at night, knowing she will return – mission accomplished.”
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