Breaker v2
– Stars and Stripes Forever
1997 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Breaker
Communications Officer
File Name: Kibbey, Alvin R.
SN: RA 757-79-3518
Primary Military Speciality: Infantry
Secondary Military Speciality: Computer Technology
Birthplace: Gatlinburg, TN
Grade: E-5
Motto: “You get me into action, I´ll get us out.”
Breaker established himself as the G.I. Joe team’s first communications expert. He is the link between the battlefield and headquarters. Manning the radio may seem like an easy job for some, but it’s as crucial to operations as ammunition is to any weapon. Without the radioman, you lose the ability to call in an air strike, provide artillery coordinates, request a Medivac or find the extraction site. The key is to treat the equipment like a crystal vase. Breaker never takes it off, and constantly monitors all the frequencies, providing situation reports to the command center. His ability to crack enemy codes and to jam their transmissions keeps the team one step ahead. Along with his specialized education, he speaks seven languages. During the last major battle with Cobra forces, Breaker was wounded and required a lengthy recovery. During this time, he began to study computer technology. Knowing that modern battlefield operations had become computer coordinated, he qualified himself with the latest hardware. As soon as he received word that the original team was re-organizing, he was ready to return and use his new area of expertise to its full advantage.
After the Team’s first encounter with Cobra Forces, they found a suitable location and in the tradition of the men and women who served their country before them, raised the flag in their honor, and declared – STARS and STRIPES FOREVER!
From General Hawk´s Files: “Breaker is efficient and self-assured. He has the uncanny ability to turn adverse situations to his favor. His one annoying trait is his constant need to chew gum and pop bubbles with it. The team often wonders which is more sticky, his beard, or the situations that he seems to always get out of.”
Full figure


Black backpack
Green helmet
Clear visor
Black laser rifle

Box set

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