Windchill v2

1994 Series

Vehicle: Blockbuster

Filecard Info

Code Name: Windchill

Blockbuster Driver

File Name: McDonald, Jim

SN: 312-60-0386

Primary Military Speciality: Blockbuster Driver

Secondary Military Speciality: Cold Weather Survival Instructor

Birthplace: Loch Lomond, Scotland

Grade: E-6

Windchill was an avid skimobiler and hunter, and he might have qualified for a spot on the American team if he hadn´t decided that fighting for right against Cobra was more important than winning Olympic medals. He enlisted with the Joes and used his uncanny ability to “read” nature´s elements to win countless Arctic victories. There´s a lot more to driving on snow and ice than just maintaining the controls. Drivers must be able to quickly spot dangerous objects buried beneath loose powder, and they must know when ice becomes to thin to support a heavily-armed vehicle such as the massive Blockbuster.

“To be as cool as I am in a firefight, you have to have ice water in your veins.”

Full figure




Black rifle
