Duke v7
– Army Recon Mission

1997 Series

Vehicle: Silver Mirage v2

Filecard Info

Code Name: Duke

First Sergeant

File Name: Hauser, Conrad S.

SN: 213-7577-DU93

Primary Military Speciality: Airborne Infantryman

Secondary Military Speciality: Artillery

Birthplace: St. Louis, MO

Grade: E-9

Although not one of the original Joes, Duke quickly rose to the task of being the G.I. Joe team´s first sergeant and field commander. Duke is, at his core, a man of action and a highly educated and experienced soldier. He speaks five languages, graduated top of his class at airborne school at Fort Benning, and joined the Special Forces not long after. He served overseas in several areas of Southeast Asia. Duke commands by winning respect and by understanding his team as well as making sure they follow procedure. He´s tough as nails, but not so unyielding that he is unable to work with the unsual diversity of a group such as the G.I. Joe team. Duke has turned down several commissions over the years so he could stay in the field. He has absolutely no interest in an officer´s rank or a desk job. He wants to be out there with his troops kicking Cobra around wherever they appear.

From General Hawk´s Files: “One of the best additions this outfit has ever had is Duke. The man is the perfect field commander, adaptive to any situation while maintaining control. I can´t think of a better soldier to have in the field, watching over the troops and getting the job done. If the Joes are the ´best of the best´, then Duke is one of them.”

Full figure



Green helmet
Clear visor
Black submachine gun
Black binoculars
Black backpack



Card Front

Card Back