Colonel Brekhov
– Oktober Guard

Code Name: Colonel Brekhov

Oktober Guard Commando

File Name: Brekhov, Ivan Nikolevich

Primary Military Speciality: Command and Strategy

Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry

Birthplace: Odessa, Ukraine

Grade: Colonel

A tough, cigar-chomping veteran with a no-nonsense, no apologies style, Colonel Brekhov is the distinguished commander of the Oktober Guard, a russian counterpart to the GI Joe team (although he maintains that the Oktober Guard is the american counterpart to the Oktober Guard). Colonel Brekhov has spent his entire adult life in military service. He genuinely cares about the welfare of his country and its people, and he feels that the best way he can serve them is to be the best soldier and commander possible. He is a superb strategist and is fearless in battle. His tactical mind is not above setting aside political differences to occasionally team the Oktober Guard with the GI Joe team to overcome the far greater threat posed by the Cobra organization.

“Colonel Brekhov is what some would call an ´old war-horse.´ The military is all he knows, but that makes him a superb soldier.”



Black pistol
Black Rifle
Black Backpack
