Snow Serpent v4
– Cobra Polar Force
1998 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Snow Serpent
Cobra Polar Assault Trooper
Primary Military Speciality: Arctic Operations
Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry
Motto: “Run from us and you will only end up frozen”
Snow Serpents are the arctic specialists branch of the Eels (Cobra frogmen). They are specially trained and equipped to handle the cold weather. Each soldier is Airborne qualified and licensed to operate Cobra´s full arsenal of Polar attack vehicles. Their methods include low opening parachute drops and bombarding their enemies with anti-tank weapons. These elite troops use the latest advancements in down-filled, heated suits, allowing them to fight in temperatures low enough to freeze the bolts on most G.I. Joe weapons. Snow Serpents are expected to endure rigorous physical and psychological training as part of their everyday existence in Polar regions. They can march 50 miles with full field packs, then go for a swim in sub-zero ice flow just for the fun of it. All this activity enhances their ability to become formidable arctic fighters, mainly because it makes them exceedingly mean and nasty – perfect traits for Cobra.
From G.I. Joe files: “Show isn´t the only thing dropping from the sky. These guys are the best at what they do – and that´s trouble for us. If they surround your base camp on a cold winter´s night, you´d better hope your insurance is paid up.”
Full figure


Blue snowboard
White rifle
White pistol
Black hose
Black backpack


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