Cobra Officer v2
– Cobra Infantry Team
1998 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Cobra Officer
Primary Military Speciality: Infantry
Secondary Military Speciality: Command
Motto: “I´ll be there when Cobra conquers the world!”
The Cobra Officers are “officers” in name only. The only real rank they have is over their own little squad of Cobra Troopers. They are among the meager handful from the teeming ranks of Cobra Troopers that, for some reason, whether it´s previous experiences, personal ambition or dumb luck, manage to show some level of initiative, organization or leadership skills. Ultimately, somebody has to keep the ranks together and moving with a purpose, so that even these bottom-of-the-barrel Cobra forces achieve their given objective, because nobody else wants the job.
From General Hawk´s files: “Calling these jerks ´officers´ is an insult to every commissioned officer that ever served in any reputable military organization. The ones we´ve captured are as dumb as bricks, but not as pleasant to have around. Unfortunately, they´ve got just enough skills to keep a squad of Cobra Troopers together and moderately organize…at least well enough to cause the kind of chaos that Cobra likes to make.”
Full figure


Black machine gun
Black stock
Black pistol
Black backpack


Card Front

Card Back