Storm Shadow v19
– Comic Pack 21
2005 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Storm Shadow
Cobra Ninja
File Name: Arashikage, Thomas M.
Primary Military Speciality: Ninja
Secondary Military Speciality: Sabotage
Birthplace: Classified
One of the two most dangerous men on the face of the planet, Storm Shadow was once a master of the Arashikage ninja clan. Now, he sells his arcane skills to the evil forces of Cobra in order to pursue his twisted plan for revenge against his former sword brother Snake Eyes. Ninjas are mystic warriors, spies, master swordsmen, acrobats, conjurors and tricksters. They can do all sorts of amazing things – or at least seem to do them, because the ninja´s prime directive is embodied in a major precept of the ancient warrior sage Sun Tsu, who said: “all warfare is based on deception”. This should give Cobra pause to consider the loyalty of Storm Shadow and ponder the question, “What does he really want?”
“A sword hidden away in its scabbard does not lose its edge. The same can be said for my loyalty and honor.”
Full figure


Black/silver sheath
Black/silver sword


Card Front

Card Back