Scrap Iron v2
– Cobra Strike Team
2004 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Scrap Iron
Cobra Anti-Armor Specialist
Primary Military Speciality: Armored Vehicle Destroyer
Birthplace: Classified
It is believed that Scrap Iron is a product designer for the armament company owned by Destro. Scrap Iron carries out initial field-testing on all new armor-piercing munitions and sub-munitions. His area of specialization is remote-launched, laser-guided, rocket-propelled piezo-electric fused anti-tank weapons. These weapons are categorized beyond the “smart” stage and are known by the nomenclature “brilliant”. He is methodical and precise, plotting out moves, countermoves and counter-countermoves to anticipate all possible scenarios for a given situation. He frequently irritates others with his demands for perfection, but he is tolerated because everyone knows that he always gets the ultimate job done: to completely disable any and all approaching enemy vehicles.
“Imperfection in any form repels me.”
Full figure


Black laser rifle
Black grenade launcher
Green backpack


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