Red Ninja Viper v2
– Comic Pack 21
2005 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Red Ninja Viper
Cobra Ninja Warrior
Primary Military Speciality: Mercenary
Secondary Military Speciality: Ninja
Red Ninja Warriors, wearing the symbol of the Arashikage clan, are ruthless mercenaries who work mainly for Cobra Commander. They earn top dollar in battle because they are one of the most formidable clans of ninja warriors existing today. When Red Ninja Viper troopers enter a fight, they´re in it until the bitter end (or until they get paid more money to fight someone else). The G.I. Joe team is the only force that has ever defeated them. Red Ninja Viper warriors possess advanced ninjutsu skills that are hard to find, and they fight with razor-sharp moves that are almost faster than the eye can see.
“We spin and slice with the skill of the great masters, but only for the best price.”
Full figure


Black/silver sword
2x Silver/brown sickles


Card Front

Card Back