Firefly v4
– Cobra Polar Force
1998 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Firefly
Cobra Saboteur
Filename: Classified
Primary Military Speciality: Sabotage
Secondary Military Speciality: Demolitions
Birthplace: Classified
Motto: “Destroyed overnight, or your next one is free.”
Firefly is Cobra Commander´s number one contract man. It is rumored that he took care of some personal family matters for him and has been on the payroll ever since. His fees are paid into a Swiss bank account and always payable in advance. Firefly´s infiltration skills are legendary; no one has ever reported seeing him enter or leave any target area. He specializes in bomb-planting, arson and booby-traps. His unique construction of these devices is so complex that they are impossible to defuse. His skills in cross-wiring, anti-tamper and secondary timers have allowed him to achieve a 100% success rate over the years. This record was eventually broken by G.I. Joe team member, Snake Eyes. To avoid any future confrontation, he chose to move his operations to the Cobra Polar Base. He now focuses on sabotaging top secret, arctic research facilities, and uses Night Creepers to steal their classified documents.
From G.I. Joe files: “Firefly is known as the ´Rembrandt´ of plastic explosives. He continues to escape undetected, leaving only ashes of destruction in his wake.”
Full figure


Black submachine gun
White cover
Black walkie talkie
White backpack


Card Front

Card Back