Cobra Commander v8
– Cobra Command Team
1997 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Cobra Commander
Supreme Leader
File Name: Unknown
Primary Military Speciality: Supreme Leader of Cobra
Birthplace: Unknown
Cobra Commander actually started out as a used car dealer, but increasingly began to believe that governments and big business were “out to get the little guy”. He was determined to find a way to climb to the “top of the heap” by any means necessary. Already an unstable personality, the man who would be Cobra Commander went completely around the bend when his brother was fatally wounded in a traffic accident with a soldier´s family. It mattered not that it had been his brother who caused the accident. Building an organization of malcontents and financing it with everything from pyramid schemes to selling household products door-to-door, Cobra Commander gradually realized his dream of forming a terrorist organization with the will and firepower to cause chaos around the world. Today, Cobra is regarded as the number-one terrorist threat across the globe. Cobra Commander is utterly dedicated to starting conflict, overthrowing nations, and doing everything possible to bring down the governments of the world. With his desire to conquer the planet under his iron fist, Cobra Commander is unquestionably the most dangerous and ruthless man on the face of the Earth.
From G.I. Joe Files: “One wonders how something like this could have happened; how an otherwise innocuous person could have built up such a horrible and frightening entity as Cobra, under his complete and total control. It´s not the first time something like this has happened. Probably won´t be the last, either. It´s up to the Joes to stop the likes of Cobra Commander, no matter ho long it takes!”
Full figure


Black laser pistol


Card Front

Card Back