Black Dragon Ninja
– Ninja Cobra Strike Team
2004 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Black Dragon Ninja
Cobra Ninja Warrior
Primary Military Specialty: Mercenary
Secondary Military Specialty: Ninja Master
The elusive and shadowy Black Dragon Ninja forces have been secretly brainwashed be Dr. Mindbender to guard Cobra Commander in case the Arashikage clan ninjas ever decide to take control of Cobra for themselves. But it´s not that easy to fool the suspecious Storm Shadow. He discovered the brainwash commands and used the Arashikage “Atsui Nami” deep mind control technique to overwrite the evil doctor´s subliminal commands. Now the Black Dragon Ninja forces outwardly act as if their allegiance is to Cobra Commander, but in reality, they are loyal only to Storm Shadow.
“We are swift and silent, shadows in the darkest hour of night, unseen by you until we strike.”
Full figure


Black rifle
Black nunchuks
Black/silver bag


Card Front

Card Back