Baroness v2
– Cobra Command Team
1997 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Baroness
Cobra Intelligence Officer
File Name: Decobray, Anastasia
Primary Military Speciality: Intelligence
Secondary Military Speciality: Fixed Wing Pilot
Birthplace: Classified
The Baroness was the spoiled offspring of European parents who made sure that she and her brother, Eugen, had the best of everything in life. During the time of the Southeast Asian conflict, Eugen had abandoned his aristocratic lifestyle. Using his power and influence, he delivered medical supplies and other needed items into the war-torn region. On one tragic occasion, Eugen´s sister Anastasia, accompanied him on what would result in a deal gone bad. Eugen was fatally wounded just as another soldier burst in and apprehended the saboteurs. Anastasia, who had been in another room, believed that the soldier had destroyed both her brother and his supposedly peaceful contacts. This set her on a couse of revenge that would lead her into a life of international terrorism. She joined the ranks of Cobra rising to its top intelligence agent. The Baroness is a highly intelligent and ambitious individual, and often enjoys pitting Destro, her companion, against Cobra Commander even as they all plot the overthrow of G.I. Joe and the conquest of the world.
From G.I. Joe Files: “The Baroness is probably the most dangerous agent within Cobra. She is ultimately loyol only to herself, and serves Cobra only because it is in her best interest to do so. She has an unrelenting hatred towards established governments that she believes are ruled by military machines. Since G.I. Joe is the ´best of the best´ in the military world, she despises the Joes most of all.”
Full figure


Black rifle


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