Cobra Trooper v5a
2007 Series
Tanks for the Memories Set
Filecard Info
Code Name: Cobra Trooper
Night Stalker Shock Trooper
File Name: Various
Primary Military Speciality: Covert Operations
Secondary Military Speciality: Reconnaissance
Birthplace: Various
The Cobra Night Stalkers are a special unit of female Cobra Troopers. They are trained to take advantage of battlefield chaos to avoid traditional detection and slip far behind enemy lines into areas under attack and safely infiltrate restricted areas. Because they have lighter frames, are less armored, and carry less gear than average troopers, they can move ahead of the rest of the Cobra legions to quickly extract key documents or equipment and escape before the heavy fire teams destroy the entire site (or prior to any self-destruct sequence being activated). Once deployed and active behind enemy lines, they are cut from Cobra reinforcements, and rely on their training and improvised orders from their Cobra Night Stalkers Commander.
Cobra has never had a more ruthless group of all-female assault troops. Although they despise having to work with Lt. Clay Moore, they know he is a means to an end for their mission objective. When the Rocky Mountain Arsenal falls under attackt from Cobra tanks, each trooper moves into action with a specific chemical weapon objective – separately dangerous on their own, but together they are a toxic part of another master scheme of Cobra Commander.
“We arrive right after the SHOCK and leave just before the AWE!”
Full figure


Grey rifle
Black helmet
2 x grey hand grenades
Grey knife